About Our Champion
Bermuda Greens
In 1998, the greens were rebuilt and redesigned with Crenshaw bentgrass. In the summer of 2016, Piney Point installed Champion Bermuda greens that have already received rave reviews. The hybrid bermuda grass is easier to maintain during the hot and humid months of the summer, and provides an excellent putting surface year around.
Unlike many of today's courses, Piney Point features rational greens, and there are few forced carries, with only four holes where out-of-bounds comes into play. Different pin positions keep it interesting.
Piney Point is pretty open off the tee, but don't let that fool you. Stay sharp. Danger lurks in the trees that frame the course. Trees. Not houses. Not highways. Not a shopping center. Not out-of-bound stakes. Just trees.
The Piney Point Experience
Everyone is welcome at Piney Point — visitors, guests, members — if you enjoy golf, we want you to come and play with us! Golfers enjoy Piney Point because we practice the Southern tradition of "down home hospitality" and have tailored the club to reflect that principle.
Our best feature, if we had to choose one, would be our greens. They are unparalleled, and we believe they compare favorably with courses charging twice our price. The occasional or "weekend" golfer will enjoy the playability of the course. An added bonus is the forgiveness factor. You need not worry about spending a fortune on lost balls (they are few and far between at Piney Point). Eagles often fly here, especially on our par 5's. And speaking of birdies, you may collect a few of those, as well!
The advanced golfer will appreciate the challenges and interesting quirks thrown in by the course designer. The 9th hole is considered our signature hole. There's excitement here — you need to plan your shots skillfully.
Not to spoil the suspense, but here's a sneak peak at a few things you can look forward to:
- Four par 5's that are reachable in two shots — birdies, anyone?
- Four par 3's that require excellent ball striking!
- A set of par 4's that mix it up a bit ... they are solid, yet interesting — you will need to plan your shots well!
A few more points to ponder ...
- Walking the course is a pleasure, with gently rolling terrain.
- Scoring opportunities abound for good players — mid-handicappers appreciate the course's playability.
- Expansive practice facility available for warming up or for those times when a game isn't feasible.
- Friendly, relaxed atmosphere, welcoming to all — new members find a game quickly — tee times are easy to arrange.
- Personal service is our commitment and our pledge.
- Professional golf staff available for advice, lessons and personal attention at all times for our members.
Piney Point Golf Club is a quality golf course with something for every level of play. Our focus is on maintaining excellent playing conditions, excellent service, and friendly atmosphere. If you appreciate value, traditional golf, and a well-maintained course that will keep you honest, then book your tee time today by calling Book your tee time at Piney Point by calling(704) 474-3985.
"If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf." -Bob Hope
A Rich and Storied History
Bigger is not always better. In fact, small towns got preferential treatment by the FHA* back in the early 1960s. The government, in all its wisdom, decided that towns of less than 2,500 folks could get a loan to turn farmland into a recreational facility. Norwood, North Carolina, was just such a town — 1,800 citizens and lots of perfectly beautiful farmland just aching to be cultivated for golf.
Norwood community leaders, including K.L. Young and R.L. Isenhour, rose to the challenge. They began work immediately to secure a loan, and they were so successful that Norwood became the first town in the country to do so. The program was so new that no rules has been established so it took many meetings, many long lunches at local cafes, and probably some good natured arm twisting — but the deal got done. However, there was a stipulation.
The FHA told the organizers that they would loan Norwood the huge sum of $260,000 to build a golf course, but the town had to come up with $40,000 of its own money.
Undeterred, Young and Isenhour began to sell charter memberships to this unbuilt golf course. They were so successful that they had more than enough money and members, so by early fall 1963, construction began. One hundred sixty-five acres of prime pasture and farmland on Lake Tillery was purchased (a mere 2 miles south of Norwood), and J. Porter Gibson, of Charlotte, was contracted to design and build the course. This was early fall 1963, and amazingly, the course was open for play one year later!
The swimming pool, large brick clubhouse and tennis court were also finished and ready for the 375 charter members to enjoy. Many obstacles had been overcome (damage from flooding rains, more money had to be borrowed) but the topography of the land was so ideal, its highest and best use was serendipitously found in the growing popularity of the sport of golf.
Expertly shaping this prime piece of undulating farm land, Gibson designed Piney Point by maximizing the natural lay of the land itself. Very little earth was moved — he wisely located the best sites for greens and tees and designed the course around them! Members are still enjoying the well-designed and executed facilities, and thousands of golfers from nearby towns visit Norwood each year for the pure enjoyment of a great game among fellow golf enthusiasts.
As for the future, it is limitless. Piney Point Golf Club continues to build upon the dreams and ideas of those confident and visionary planners, community leaders and charter members who so wisely selected the locale for a golfer's paradise.
There is a constant drive for excellence and a pledge to exceed the expectations of players and members. Thus, in 1997 an ambitious greens renovations project was undertaken. Golf course architect Chip Powell performed an extensive evaluation of greens and bunkers and came up with a plan, and in summer 1998 the rebuilding work began. The goal was for all bunkers and greens to meet or exceed USGA specifications. Crenshaw bentgrass was selected for greens, and 419 Bermuda was chosen for the surrounds. A new irrigation system was installed for each green. By early December the course was reopened for play and enthusiastically received by an excited membership. Although the Crenshaw bentgrass served the club well for nearly 20 years, Piney Point chose to change the grass to Champion Bermuda during summer 2016. The new greens are already receiving rave reviews since reopening in fall 2016. Champion Bermuda is becoming a widely used grass in the Carolinas, including Pinehurst #2, Quail Hollow and Sedgefield CC, to name a few. The bermuda grass will be much easier to maintain excellent putting conditions year round and will withstand the hot and humid summer weather.