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Membership Dues and Fees- Effective April 1st, 2023Monthly
Resident (Inclusive) $195
Resident (Non-inclusive) $110
Junior Executive $105
Social $60
Non-Resident (20-40 miles) $110
Non-Resident (over 40 miles) $90
Junior $156
Pool $250
Locker Rental $120
Club Storage $120
Push Cart Storage $84
CGA Handicap Fee $25

Piney Point Memberships

Processing Fees: Current- $150 for all classifications with the exceptions of the Junior Golf and Pool Membership.  There are no processing fees for the Junior and Pool classifications.

Resident Membership includes golf, clubhouse and pool privileges.

*Resident (Inclusive) monthly dues rate includes UNLIMITED CART FEES*

Junior Executive Membership is for younger adults just starting in the work world (ages 18 - 29). Membership has full privileges.

*Monthly dues rate includes UNLIMITED CART FEES*

Social Membership provides swimming pool, clubhouse privileges and some golfing privileges. Membership includes 1 green fee per month; during weekends & holidays it can only be used during non-peak times. All eligible dependents are given full golfing membership privileges. (Eligible dependents would be children up to the age of 18; or 23 if a full-time college student)

Nonresident Membership is our membership offering for golfers living 20-40 or 40+ miles away from our course and includes golf, clubhouse, and pool privileges.

*Can upgrade membership to Inclusive Resident for Unlimited Cart Fee Package*

Junior Golf Membership is available for anyone who is a full-time student in grade school, high school, or college between the ages of 10 and 23. Junior golf members have clubhouse, pool, golf course, and practice facility privileges.

Junior Membership Application

Member Application

For more information, call Call Piney Point Golf Club for membership information at (704) 474-3985 or fill out the form below.

Membership Request

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